Creating programs and organizing events that empower preteens to share their talents and learn new skills. #Mentoring

A Harlem-based foundation seeking preteen members in New York City.

Are you a preteen looking for activities that allow you to learn new skills outside of school and meet new people? Or a parent seeking creative ways to keep your preteen engaged in useful programs and socialize with their peers? Harlem Hugs is the answer!

Our programs will guide and mentor preteens in areas that are useful to their adolescent development. We aim to balance academics with enjoyable learning experiences. This will empower the “Tweens” to develop and excel in areas they are passionate about, while learning new skills. The events we organize will provide forums for them to socialize with their peers. Creating this outlet for preteens will prove to be helpful to their social and emotional development; especially during these uncertain times when they have limited opportunities to connect in school and outdoor settings.

Our Vision

We will help preteens to find their passions and share their talents!

Our Programs

We offer a variety of programs that include activities and events for boys and girls.

Join Harlem Hugs

Become a preteen member to participate in our programs!

Become A Volunteer

Volunteer to become a Mentor and help guide our preteens in the right direction!

Photo Workshop

“I would like to introduce our "Tweens of 2020". They are official "Harlem Huggers" as the 1st preteen cohort to participate in one of the programs during this relaunch year. (photo taken at photography workshop in Central Park on July 25th)”

Shawntée White-YatesCEO & Founder of Harlem Hugs

Please help Harlem Hugs in our efforts to help preteens become “superstars” through our mentoring programs.

We thank you and appreciate all donations big and small.

Personal Info

Donation Total: $10.00